Saturday, November 30, 2019

Mr. Know All free essay sample

Mr. K seems to be a fake person but finally he saves the ladys life and marriage. Its not always good to judge a book by its cover. A Road Not Take: How people in the world make decisions. Hots: * Inference. Interpreting the sigh (somewhere ages and ages hence) was he happy or not? It wasnt that he wasn’t happy with his choice. Its only he wanted to be able to walk through both paths. Once youve taken a single path you change your life forever. You cant jump into the same river twice. You’re a different person, both you and the river change. Even if you do go back, youre not the same person anymore. One path leads you to another. * Explaining a pattern. * Problem solving. How does he choose? How does he weigh the pros and cons? He uses this skill to compare and contrasts, he tries to see which ones better which one was used more, in the end he just takes the one that wanted wear, the one that more people have walked on and thats way we cant be sure whether or not his choice was correct. We will write a custom essay sample on Mr. Know All or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page He tried to see where the roads bend. (I kept the other to another day though we know he cant bring back time) maybe hes choosing between good and good. Literary terms: * Symbolism. The path, time and day, yellow woods – either dawn (new beginning) or the seasons (fall) – a time of change. Metamorphosis. * Theme. What was he trying to tell us? Was he happy?. Its one of hope and one of regret. Its up to interpretation. Theres both regret and comfort. (The more correct – hes not sorry about what he took but hes sorry about the human feeling of having to have both and being forced to choose one. ) He has a dilemma and he has to make a decision. As I grew older: On the one hand Langston Hughes could be just a regular person who has dreams, and as he grows older his dreams are obliterated by a big wall causing a shadow and either he decide to break through it and achieve his goals. However, we know he was African American and the fact of him being black, made him who he is. By knowing how he feels about racism and discrimination, we understand the poem better. When hes a kid he doesnt understand hes being put within a society in which he can succeed. But as hes growing older he understands he cant achieve what he wants to achieve with the current reality. When he becomes an adult he understand how limited he is. He lays there in the shadow looking at the wall. Then, he look at his dark black hand (negative connotation) on the other hand, these black hands are the ones that smash the wall into thousands of pieces of light. Hes his own master, he has the power. If he wants to do it he and only he can change is fate. HOTS: * Distinguishing different prospective – his perspective towards life change throughout the poem. (Kid – Insight – Wont accept his fate). * Cause Effect – he basically has to cause the effect. Hes the person (the simple man) who can take charge. Hes the only one who can change his fate and cause the effect. If there wasn’t a cause and he fact hed just stay there lying looking at the wall grow older and older. He believes the discrimination is wrong but its not enough to talk and the action that he takes violently by smashing the wall and shattering the darkness might change his fate and then hell be able to achieve his dreams. Literary terms: * Symbols: mood, hand, theme, racism, discrimination. Read the poems and story and read all the questions. Read all the summaries. As I grew older – the question we answered on the board. How its being checked – 80% content,20% grammar.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Nora and Hedda essays

Nora and Hedda essays Nora and Heddas Struggle for Independence In Isbens two plays, A Dolls House and Hedda Gabler, one character of each play breaks the stereotype or mold that is put on them. These two characters are Nora and Hedda. There are likenesses as well as differences between the two, however. In A Dolls House Nora is the protagonist, while, in Hedda Gabler, Isben chooses to make Hedda the antagonist. Both Nora and Hedda are caught in a masculine world, but take a different approach to gaining their independence from their male counterparts. Nora chooses to simply walk away from the problem she faces. This action goes along with most mothers tell their children when they face similar situations. Nora is suppressed by Torvalds words. She tries to help her husband and, according to the author, saves his life. Torvald is unaware of her sacrifice and is ashamed of Noras deceitful behavior. She is finally sick of being called a little skylark and a spendthrift and decides to leave Torvald, which is unheard during that time. The play ends with Nora slamming the door and Torvald mumbling to himself. Audiences react so violently to this ending because it shows a woman taking charge of her life and breaking the mold that stereotypes her. Hedda takes a different approach to changing the circumstances that stereotypes place her in. Being a woman, Hedda is seen as meek and mild by the men in Hedda Gabler. Her dream is to control and eventually ruin a human destiny, which means she must gain the trust of, or seduce, a human being. Her character of choice, and old flame, is Lvborg. Hedda doesnt escape her problems and run for cover like Nora did. Instead, Hedda takes her problems head on in hopes of changing them for her benefit. Her sarcastic tone and evil behavior make a dangerous combination. The reader experiences this mix when Hedda convinces Lvborg to kill himself. Eventua...

Friday, November 22, 2019

How to Write a Perfect Sales Associate Resume (Examples Included)

How to Write a Perfect Sales Associate Resume (Examples Included) always. be. selling. that’s a common motto for anyone in a sales or retail position, but don’t forget a very important point of the job hunt: it applies to you as well. when you’re putting together your resume, never forget that if you want to prove how well you can sell, make sure you’re marketing yourself as well as you possibly can. let’s look at three different kinds of sales professionals: one newbie, one seeking seasonal retail employment, and an experienced sales associate looking to become a manager. first up: laura, who’s seeking her first job in retail this resume in ms wordlike many job hunters with more enthusiasm than experience (so far), laura wants a resume format that showcases what she already has. this means changing things up a little from the traditional experience + skills + education format, and putting her most relevant skills first.laura has some traditional work experience as a food server, but she want s to showcase her dog walking business, which has skills that could be very transferrable to a sales role. she starts by using the word â€Å"entrepreneur†/†entrepreneurial† up front, to emphasize her business skills. it’s important that she uses her bullet points to back that up, and she doess)How to Write a Perfect Occupational Therapist ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Physician Assistant Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Receptionist Resume (Examples Included)How to Create a Perfect Retail ResumeHow to Write a Perfect Sales Associate Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Social Worker Resume (Examples Included)How to Write a Perfect Truck Driver Resume (With Examples)

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Integration - Causal Chains and Strategy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Integration - Causal Chains and Strategy - Essay Example This improvement will be caused due to the increased employees’ professionalism and their motivation. Thus, TCCB customers will be satisfied with an excellent service. Customer’s satisfaction will lead to improved loan and deposit balances, and non-interest income. Also, satisfied customers will advertise TCCB to other people because of its excellent service and broad assortment of products (new loans, etc.). The 3rd chain: Customer’s satisfaction and retention will be also increased due to making thank you calls and providing cards to new and existing customers. Having TCCB cards customers will come again to the TCCB, thus will be increased customer’s retention. Finally, TCCB will improve its loan balances, deposit balances, and non-interest income. While evaluating the effectiveness of the balanced scorecard approach between two categories of branches A-E and F-J, it was obvious that the first category (A-E) demonstrated much better financial results than the second category (F-J). According to the data presented in Table 3, all branches that had applied the BSC except E, demonstrated financial increases in loan balance, deposit balance and non-interest balance. While the branches F-J also have demonstrated financial improvements for one year of performance, these improvements were hardly noticeable. In 2001, F branch demonstrated decrease ($1 mln) in deposit balance comparing with the previous financial year; performance of G branch in loan balance did not change for one year; and branch H have demonstrated decrease ($3 mln) in noninterest income (Albright, Davis, Hibbets 2001, p.59). The branches that applied BSC demonstrated only increases in loan balance, deposit balance and noninterest income; there were no decreases in terms of financial performance. While the financial improvements were performed by A-E

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Discrimination based on disease status Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Discrimination based on disease status - Essay Example As a result, they will hide their conditions from the public in order to avoid such discrimination. This is not only disadvantageous to them but to the wider society as well. For instance, if an individual understands that he has contracted the deadly Ebola virus, he is likely to keep this information to himself for fear of discrimination, in the end, the person may end up infecting more people, thereby affecting the entire society. It is important that person who suffer from such conditions are not be viewed as a danger to society but instead handled with love and given the support needed. In this series for instance, in reference to the Zombies, Vicar Oddie, a member of the church in Roarton village, says that the government was putting back the dangerous friends into the community. Although such people may appear dangerous, it is important for the society to embrace them and look for ways of helping them. In handling people with such conditions however, great care needs to be take n to prevent further infections. Morally, the idea of discrimination based on disease in indefensible. This is based on three important points. First, such discrimination is in violation of individual justice. Discrimination based on health conditions is just as bad as discrimination based on things such as skin color, gender and religion. In this sense, people are treated unfairly not because of the mistakes of their own making but because of conditions they have no control over. It is obvious that such people are unjustly treated in the society.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

Environmental Crisis and Global Warming Essay Example for Free

Environmental Crisis and Global Warming Essay The world and mankind are facing different critical issues and problems which we inevitably have to deal with. These concerns have great impact to our lives. Everyday people have to remind themselves of these various perils to their existence. The media together with different organizations help us to become more aware of the problems currently on our midst. People may not find it an alarming and serious issue since the danger at the present time is negligible but sooner or later we will come to realize that we really are into serious danger. Global issues are global concerns. It is felt around the world not just on a particular location. It is a world wide issue that needs to be address. There are many types and forms of current global issues that the world has to face. There is the economic crisis felt all over the world. Various health issues that came out as more people get vulnerable to cancer and other forms of illnesses. There is terrorism which is a crisis in peace and order and security. There is also issue on moral degradation of the society. Lastly is the global warming or global climatic change. Even though some believe global warming to be a hoax, severe weather repercussions and environmental crisis prove the opposite. This global warming is an alarming environmental problem on a global scale. Some people still have doubts if the global warming issue is real or is just an imaginary anxiety fabricated by scientist who has predicted it as a serious problem in the near future. There was hundreds of information released about the onset of global warming. Many people have made research and studies to investigate these phenomena. Documentaries are produce to open the minds and inform the public regarding the new findings regarding the problem. A personal observation on our environment and a closer study will help one to discover and learn more about the development regarding the current issue on global warming. Big Picture of the Environmental Crisis Global warming, what does it really mean? What causes global warming? What factors contribute to this problem? And what are the effects of global warming? All of these are the questions frequently asked regarding this global environmental issue. Global warming is commonly known as the warming of the planet cause by the greenhouse gases that trapped the heat. Global warming is also known as global climatic change or global climatic disruption. Global warming resulted from the increase in heat-trapping gases in the atmosphere that causes the amplified hydrological cycle resulting in increased precipitation and flooding in some regions and more severe aridity in other areas. (Woods Hole Research Center, 2008) The phrase â€Å"climatic change† is preferred recently to be use than global warming because it helps convey that there are other changes aside from rising temperatures. Global warming involves the average increase in temperature of the atmosphere near the earth’s surface and in the troposphere, which can contribute in global climate patterns. Global warming and climatic change can be caused by a variety of factors, both natural and human-induced. (Environmental Protection Agency, 2008) Ozone layer depletion is oftentimes confused with global warming. Climate change and ozone depletion are different from one another but interrelated issues. Ozone depletion is not the principal cause of climate change and climate change is not the principal cause of ozone depletion. However, ozone depleting gases- such as chlorofluorocarbons (CFCs), hydrochlorofluorocarbons (HCFCs) and halons are greenhouse gases that do contribute to climate change. Ozone itself is a greenhouse gas that has effect on climate. In addition, certain changes in earth’s climate could affect the future condition of the ozone layer. For example, low temperature and strong polar winds both affect the extent and severity of winter polar ozone depletion. (EPA, 2008) The greenhouse effect is a natural phenomenon that helps regulate the earth’s temperature. Greenhouse gases (e. g. , carbon dioxide, methane, nitrous oxide, chlorofluorocarbons) act like insulating blanket, trapping solar energy that would otherwise escape into space. Without this natural greenhouse effect temperatures would be about 60oF lower than they are now and life as we all know it today would not be possible. However human activities, primarily the burning of fossil fuels and clearing of forest and industrialization have enhance the natural greenhouse effect, causing the earth’s average temperature to rise. (EPA, 2008) The greenhouse effect was first describes in theoretical terms by a Swedish researcher, Svante Arrhenius, in the late 1800s. However it wasn’t until the following century that Arrhenius’ theory was observed. In the 1930s, scientist realized that parts of the globe had warmed during the previous half-century. Then in early 1960s scientist discovered that the level of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere was rising. Researchers began to take interest and found a strong relationship in between the increasing carbon dioxide and average global temperature. (EPA, 2008) Human-induced global climatic change is under way. The IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change) concluded that global mean surface air temperature has increased between about 0. 5 and 1. 1 degrees Fahrenheit in the last 100 years and anticipates a further continuing rise of 1. 8 to 6. 3 degrees Fahrenheit during the next century. Sea-level has risen on average 4-10 inches during the past 100 years and is expected to rise another 6 inches to 3 feet by 2100. (WHRC, 2008) Charts and graphs showed alarming trends. Atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration has increase steadily over the past few years. The increase in the temperature is observed as well as the increase of the sea level. More disturbances in climate patterns have been greater in the previous years. These are environmental changes brought by this problem on global warming. Being Environmentally Conscious What are the ways to be conscious and aware of our impact on earth? People have to find ways or alternative energy resources. In the US for example the energy related activities account for over three quarters of human generated greenhouse emission, mostly in the form of carbon dioxide emissions from burning fossil fuels. Enhanced energy efficiency is found to be one of the cheapest, most effective and safest ways to reduce global warming. Buildings should practice energy efficiency. Cutting the fuel cost on the road by effective gas mileage will also help. Making home appliances more energy efficient will significantly lessen energy consumption. (wecansolveit. org, 2008) Adoption of renewable resources will help break the addiction to fossil fuels like coal and oil by switching to renewable energy. These include wind power, solar thermal, solar photovoltaics and geothermal power. (wecansolveit. org, 2008) Campaigns like â€Å"Zero Waste for Zero Warming† should also be supported. Landfills were found to be the largest source of methane (CH4) in the US, a global warming gas 23 times more powerful than CO2. Toxic dumps, landfills and incinerators must not be tolerated. People should learn to recycle and avoid littering. We can also use cloth bags as shopping bags to minimize waste. We need to promote green homes and businesses therefore taking monitor of our own carbon footprint. (Global Day Action, 2007) The Outcome If We Don’t Change Things: Who and What Will Be Affected? Severe weather changes will be the outcome if global warming will not be resolve early. These includes climatic change that will contribute to more destructive hurricanes and floods like Katrina, Gustav and Ike that cost millions of damages to property and life. Severe droughts will be experience in other parts of the world, deadly heat waves, wildfires and ocean temperatures rising. It will also affect the precipitation by increasing about 5 percent in atmospheric water vapor over the oceans increasing the risk of heavy rain and snow events. Scientist also predicted that the global average sea level will rise by 7 to 24 inches by 2100 due to thermal expansion alone. Arctic’s average temperature increases are nearly twice that of the rest of the world. The arctic sea ice could virtually disappear during the summer of 2020. Melting of permafrost will continue. This permafrost is ice that has permanently frozen into the ground. The permafrost traps methane and when the melting continues it will release more of it into the atmosphere. Melting due to climate change is expected to reduce the size and extent of the polar ice caps, even taking to account the potential of more snow and ice accumulation atop the ice sheets due to increased precipitation. Temperature changes in the Arctic Circle also cause polar bears to die. Also temperatures below oceans caused destruction of coral reefs. Ecosystems will also be affected because of floods and drought could lead to the risk of extinction for some animals and plant species. Agriculture and farming will also be affected due to weather extremes. Human health will also be greatly affected which will result in increases cases of malaria and dengue outbreak. Heat-related illness and cold related illness will increase. (EPA, 2008). Sandra Steingraber the author of Living Downstream also mentioned that the increase in cancer cases is attributed to environmental influences. The US Climate Policy The United States Federal Government has established a comprehensive policy to address climate change. This policy has three basic objectives namely: slowing the growth of emissions, strengthening science, technology and institutions and enhancing international cooperation. The federal government is implementing this policy through voluntary and incentive based programs and has established major government-wide programs to advance climate technologies and improve climate science. (EPA, 2008) Some of these policies include the national goal to reduce emissions intensity, current and near tem greenhouse gas reduction initiatives, climate change technology program, climate change science program and international cooperation like the IPCC and the Asia Pacific Partnership on Ocean Development and Climate. Action on global warming by cities and local government includes building codes, zoning, transportation systems and electricity production campaigns. These include local regulation requiring newly constructed homes to be more energy efficient, a city or local subsidy to encourage homeowners to install electricity generating solar panels, local regulations requiring electric utilities to produce at least 20% of their electricity from wind, solar, or other renewable energy sources. , changing the city’s or town’s zoning rules to require neighborhoods have a mix of housing, offices, industry, schools and stores close together to encourage walking and decrease the need for using cars among other regulations or local climate change policies. (American Support for Local Action on Global Warming) Conclusion Global warming is a real problem of our times. Some are skeptics and believe it is just a kind of â€Å"hysteria† by some scientists. Even if Al Gore emphasized global warming in his documentary film â€Å"The Inconvenient Truth† many still have doubts if it is real. Nature or what we call â€Å"mother earth† like humans need to be taken care of. It is our responsibility to manage our earth’s natural resources and to preserve our planet making it a livable place. If people will continue to abuse the environment and become careless in throwing toxic waste and emitting toxic gases our planet will eventually come to destruction someday. The predictions may not be far from real for us at the moment but it doesn’t mean we should neglect our responsibility in protecting our environment. There is still time for people to reduce the outcome of this event. People should start thinking seriously on how they can contribute in solving and altering the increasing scenario of global warming. Reference â€Å"American Support for Local Action on Global Warming† (2008) Yale School of Forestry And Environmental Studies. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://environment. yale. edu â€Å"Citizens’ Groups Reject Dirty Waste Technologies, Call For â€Å"Zero Waste for Zero Warming† (2007) Global Day Action Against Waste and Incineration. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://gda. no-burn. org â€Å"Enhance Energy Efficiency† (2008) Solutions-wecansolveit. org. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://www. wecansolveit. org â€Å"Frequent Questions† (2008). Climate Change. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://www. epa. gov â€Å"Global Climatic Disruption- Scientists’ Statement† (1997) Wood Hole Research Center. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://www. whrc. org â€Å"U. S. Climate Policy and Actions† (2008) Climate Change-U. S. Policy. Retrieved September 29, 2008 from http://www. epa. gov

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Historic Model Of Science :: essays research papers

The ‘heroic model’ of science is one of the most influential phenomena in history. This surge of value-free knowledge, filled with realism, bold justification, absolute truth and complete objectivity, changed the way in which the world was perceived and how the future would be viewed. The ‘heroic model’ changed the rules and ushered western civilization into a new era, filled with wonderfully shocking scientific surprises. The backlash from the ‘heroic model’ was so powerful that it heavily influenced other subjects, such as history.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ‘heroic model’ of science was a phenomenon of the western world, during the Enlightenment. This wonder aided in transforming scientists, philosophers and others among them into cultural heroes. Science became a part of home life, when in previous times science was seen as a threat to religion and thus proclaimed as wrong. Once science became a part of life and began to prove and bluntly say things that the bible and religion could not come near to explaining, it became the basis for fact. The ‘heroic model’ could easily be blamed for the breakdown of the religious-infested societies that plagued the world.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   This became very important to everyone involved, which proved to be more people than expected. The ‘heroic model’ was an opening for scientist and others to express their opinions without the fear of being ostracized and labeled as a blasphemer. These people were no longer look down upon as sinners, against God and religion, yet they were praised for bring truth and secularity to the world. “Facts'; no longer were infested or influenced by religion, the truth was the real truth. “It replaced the fear and anxiety that nature once evoked with hope inspired by an ordered, harmonious, knowable world.';   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The ‘heroic model’ boosted science to a level that nothing else had ever reached or attempted to attain. Science, during the Enlightenment and consequently afterwards, was used to measure the status of a country and their position of power. If a country was not as advance as another country was in the sciences then that country was obviously not civilized and was beneath the other country. Such as, the economy might be used to determine the status or worldly position of a country today that is how science was used during the Age of Enlightenment.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The progression of science and the overwhelming success of the ‘heroic model’ not only yanked science to the forefront, but it also influenced and changed the way history was being perceived and studied.

Monday, November 11, 2019

Kraft Food Company

Kraft Food Company was founded by James Kraft in 1903. Kraft started off by selling wholesale cheese in Chicago, they later expanded, distributing to over 30 specialty cheeses under the name Kraft and Elkhorn. By 1920 Kraft began to mass produce specialty cheeses which were then exported to Canada and Europe. They later established plants in England and Germany. James Kraft’s development to new products and the use of innovative advertising methods led Kraft to be an early user of all communications media and as early as 1911 they were advertising on Chicago elevated trains, using outdoor billboards and mailing circulars to retail grocers. Kraft was also the first to use colored advertisement in national magazines. By 1933 Kraft began using radio for advertising as well. Kraft’s innovation is also witnessed by the introduction of products such as; Velveeta in 1928, Miracle Whip salad dressing in 1933, Kraft macaroni and cheese dinner in 1936, Parkay margarine in 1940, sliced processed cheese in 1951, and Cheez Whiz in 1952. Kraft is primarily operated as a subsidiary to other larger corporations, the first being National Dairy Company in 1930. Kraft was later purchased by Philip Morris in 1988 for twelve million, nine hundred thousand dollars. Morris then merged Kraft with General Foods unit in 1989, creating one entity known as Kraft General Foods Inc. , making it the largest food company in the United States and the second largest in the world. Philip Morris then acquired Nabisco in December 2000 and immediately began to integrate it into the operations of Kraft Foods and Kraft Foods International. In 2001 Philip Morris created a new holding company for the combined operations know as Kraft Food Inc.. Kraft Food then had two main units, Kraft Food North America and Kraft Foods International with 2 chief executive officers (CEOs) Betsy D. Holden and Roger K. Deromedi respectively were name co-CEOs of Kraft Foods Inc.. In June of 2001 Philip Morris sold 16. 1 percent stake to the public, making it the second largest initial public offering in United States history.

Saturday, November 9, 2019


SEC. 22. The State recognizes and promotes the rights of indigenous cultural communities within the framework of national unity and development. Rights of Indigeneous cultural communities. As used in the Constitution, the term â€Å"indigenous cultural communities† refers to non-dominant groups in our country which possess and wish to preserve ethnic, religious or linguistic traditions or characteristic markedly different from the rest of the population. Section 22 recognizes constitutionally the existence and rights of the indigenous cultural communities.It directs the State to promote their rights within the framework of national unity. Thus, the State is bound to consider the customs, traditions, beliefs and interests of indigenous cultural minorities in the formulation and implementation of State policies and programs. In a multi-ethnic society like ours, the above provision is necessary in promoting the goal of national unity and development. (see Art XVI, Sec. 12) Under provision, the government may even enact the laws especially for them taking into account their customs, traditions, beliefs and interests. H. de Leon, Phil. Constitution 2005, pp. 67-68) SEC. 23. The State shall encourage non-governmental, community-based or sectoral organizations that promote the welfare of the nation. Non-governmental, community-based or sectoral organizations The State is required to encourage these organizations because recent events have shown that, under responsible leadership, they can be active contributors to the political, social and economic growth of the country.It should refrain from any actuation that would tend to interfere or subvert the rights of these organizations which in the words of the Constitution are community-based or sectoral organizations that promote the welfare of the nation. (Ibid, p. 68) This topic is discussed at the length under Article XIII (Social Justice and Human Rights), Sections 15 and 16 which categorically state the role an d rights of people’s organizations as vehicle to enable the people to participate and intervene meaningfully and effectively in decisions which directly affect their lives. (Ibid. p. 68) SEC. 24.The State recognizes the vital role of communication and information in nation-building. Vital role of communication and information in nation-building. Communication and information, as used above, include not only print or broadcast media (radio and television) but also motion pictures, advertising, cable, telephone and telegraph. Those means of communication designed to gather and convey news or in the formation to the public are called mass media because they reach the mass of the people. (see Art. XVI, Sec. 11[1]. That they play a critical role in nation-building is very obvious. 1) Formation of an enlightened citizenry. – Mass media shape people’s thoughts and beliefs, their attitudes and values. In a country like the Philippines composed of people with diverse cul tures, they can be an effective instrument in promoting national integration and preserving Filipino values and traditions. By educating the citizenry on important public issues, they also help create a strong, vigilant and enlightened public opinion so essential to the successful operation of a republican democracy. (2) Promotion of effiency and economy in government and business. Information and communication can be used to link our geographically dispersed population an effect faster delivery of educational, medical and other public services in remote areas of the country. In any organization, ready information maximizes internal efficiency. Particularly in business, it reduces cost of production and services. (3) Development of society. – On the material side, it is difficult to imagine a progressive country, in today’s world of high-tech computers, internets, cyberspace and information highways, with antiquated ommunication and information structures. In the last few years, the world has witnessed a steady stream of a technological progress in the field. The Philippines must keep abreast of communication innovations but at the same time be selective and discriminating to insure that only those â€Å"suitable to the needs and aspirations of the nation† (Ibid. : Sec. 10) are adapted. Utilized and managed wisely and efficiently, communication and information are very useful tools for the economic, social, cultural and political development of society. (H. de Leon, Phil. Constitution, p. 9) Sec. 25. The State shall ensure the autonomy of local governments. Autonomy of local governments R. A. 7160, known as the Local Government Code, enacted on January 1, 1992 covers all matters concerning local governments and political subdivisions. Sec. 26. The state shall guarantee equal access to opportunities for public service, and prohibit political dynasties as may be defined by law. Equal access opportunities for public service This topic discuss ed under Article VI Legislative Department, Sections 4, 5, and 7 and Article X (Local Government), Section 8.Additionally: (1) Limitation of terms of office. – The provisions limiting the terms of office of elective officials (President, Vice President, Senators, Representative and local officials) enhance equal access to political opportunities although they may not completely do way with evils spawned political dynasties that proliferated in the country in the past. With his political and economic resources, an elective official can have a close kin or follower run for the latter.Hence, the need for a declaration expressly prohibiting a political dynasties. (2) Prohibition of political dynasties. – The constitutional policy on the prohibition of political dynasties expresses a national commitment to democratize election and appointment to positions in the government and eliminate a principal obstacle to â€Å"equal opportunities for public service†. It is not uncommon to have the most of the top elective positions in a province (or city) down to barangays occupied by one family and close relatives of the family members.Politicians form husband-wife teams, or father-mother, son-daughter teams and hold to elective positions for decades. The dominance of political families in the past not only kept more deserving but poor individuals from running or winning in elections; it also enabled powerful and affluent politicians to corner appointive positions for their relatives and followers as it they alone are gifted with the ability to serve the country. (3) Prohibition constitutionally mandated. The law implementing the constitutional policy shall define what constitutes political dynasties, having in mind of evils sought to be eradicated and the need to insure the widest possible base for the selection of elective government officials regardless of political, economic and social status. Note that the State is expressly mandated to prohibit â⠂¬Å"political dynasties†. Congress has no discretion on the matter except merely to spell out the meaning and scope of the term. (deLeon,2005,p. 0). Sec. 27. The State shall maintain honesty and integrity in the public service and take positive and effective measures against graft and corruption. Honesty and Integrity in public service (1) The perennial problem of graft and corruption. – In the Philippines, every new administration since the postwar period has made a pledge to eradicate graft and corruption in government. The popular perception, however, is that this baneful ill has become more rampant and sophisticated through years.To be sure, the above provision was incorporated in the Constitution because of revelations of â€Å"unprecendented magnitude† of graft and corruption allegedly perpetrated by officials in the highest circle of the government during the previous regime. (2) Ways to attack problem. – The malady of graft and corruption must be e liminated or at least minimize to a tolerable degree because of the staggering amount of public money that has been lost through it.What is needed is moral leadership by example on the part of the top officials in the government and a continuing, the public service which have considerably slowed down the socio-economic progress of our country. Having the honest Presidents with the best intentions is not enough to reduce corruption to minimal proportions. This perennial problem cannot be solve by mere empty promises and congressional inquiries, but by prosecuting without the fear or favor and putting behind bars so-called â€Å"big-fishes† found to be involve as concrete examples of the government’s determination to achieve decency in the public service.Any campaign against the scourge of society will be made more effective if accompanied by a morality crusade. (3) Need for honesty and integrity in public service. – The fulfillment of the constitutional mandate w ill go a long way in strengthening the peoples trust in the government and its leaders. It will also ensure the efficient use of the meager resources available for national development. (deLeon,2005,pp. 71-72) Sec. 28.Subject to a reasonable conditions prescribed by law, the state adopts and implements a policy of full public disclosure of all its transactions involving public interest. Full Disclosure by the State of all it’s transactions. 1. Duty of the State – Sec. 7 of the bill of rights guarantees the people’s right of information on matters of public concern and access to records pertaining to official transactions of the government. In the other hand, Sec. 28 requires the State to make public it’s transactions without demand from individual citizens.It stresses the duty of the State to release the information. 2. Transaction covered – The policy covers all State transactions involving public interests, i. e. , transactions which the people h ave a right to know particularly those involving expenditures of public funds. The law, however, may prescribed reasonable conditions for the disclosure to guard against improper or unjustified exercise of the right. The policy will not apply to records involving the security of the State or which are confidential in character. (H. de Leon, Phil. Constitution, pp. 64-72)

Thursday, November 7, 2019

Babettes Feast essays

Babettes Feast essays The first part of the film describes how Babette settles into this small town. But the main story builds twelve years after her arrival. Babette receives notification from France that she has won the lottery, ten thousand francs. With her winnings she resolves to help two sisters, Martina and Phillipa, and the congregation celebrate the 100th anniversary of the birth of the late pastor by preparing a feast, not just any feast, a real French feast. But in seeing the elaborate preparations for the meal, the sisters grow alarmed and fear the strange food by the Catholic Babetter. Also, the members of the congregation all resolve to say nothing about the food placed before them, except General Loewenhielm, Martina ¡Ã‚ ¯s old suitor, who returned after 30 years of army career. Yet as the meal progresses, the pleasures these pious people have never even imagined begin to entice them in spite of themselves. Loewenhielm praise the food, and he interprets to the assembly the unique magnifi cence of the grand dinner. In the end Babetter ¡Ã‚ ¯s feast has its way even with old people. The final scene takes place inside, in the wreck of a kitchen piled high with unwashed dishes, greasy pots, and empty bottles. The two sisters tell Babette how great the meal was, and they will remember this evening after she has gone back to Paris. But Babetter tells them that she is not going to go back to Paris, because it is too expensive. She tells them that she had spent all of her winnings on preparing for the feast. Then, she reveals her identity to sisters that she was a renowned chef in Paris. Further, this most applauded chef has used her entire lottery prize. Her five-star feast, prepared for people who didn ¡Ã‚ ¯t trust her and who were determined not to enjoy it, had cost her everything she had won to give this obscure village a banquet they did not want, and in the process to bring about ...

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

Strongest and Weakest Parts of a Magnet

Strongest and Weakest Parts of a Magnet Did you know that the magnetic field of a magnet is not uniform? The strength of the field varies depending on its location around the magnet. The magnetic field of a bar magnet is strongest at either pole of the magnet. It is equally strong at the north pole when compared with the south pole. The force is weaker in the middle of the magnet and halfway between the pole and the center. If you were to sprinkle iron filings on a piece of paper and place the magnet beneath it, you could see the path of the magnetic field lines. The field lines are closely packed at either pole of the magnet, widening as they get farther from the pole and connecting to the opposite pole of the magnet. The magnetic field lines emerge from the north pole and enter the south pole. The magnetic field gets weaker the farther you get from either pole, so a bar magnet is only useful for picking up small items over short distances. Where Is the Magnetic Field Strongest? Iron filings make a pattern tracing field lines because each bit of iron is itself a tiny dipole (the separation between magnetic fields). The force the dipole experiences is proportional to the strength of the dipole and proportional to the rate at which the magnetic field changes. The dipole tries to align itself with a magnetic field, but at the ends of a bar magnet, the field lines are very close together. What this indicates is that the magnetic field varies strongly over a short distance compared to the variation closer to the middle of the magnet. Because the magnetic field changes so dramatically, a dipole feels more force.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Legal Case Study Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Legal Case Study - Research Paper Example The prosecution stated regarding one year statute of limitation and requirement of affirmative proof argument of the defense that sec.939.74 shall apply for criminal proceedings and that enough corroborative evidence was established by the testimony of the defrauded women. The argument that the brief failed to allege the elements of the crime and that the trial court did not have subject matter was also refuted by the prosecution on the basis of the argument that failure to provide information about the crime does not make the information void as per Schleiss v. State. As regards the restriction on cross examination, the prosecution proved that the exclusion of the witness from being cross-examined was absolutely correct. As regards to sufficiency of evidence the prosecution stated in its answer to the argument of the defense that Lambert’s promises could not have been fraudulent as the women to whom he promised to marry were already married that the question in a criminal fra ud action is whether the victim relied on the offender, which in this case the victim did and as such Lambert is liable. 3. What is the element of crime? The element of the crime in the present case is theft by fraud contrary to sec. 943.20 (1)(d),(3)(b), and (3)(c), Stats. 1 by the plaintiff on record of the present case. The offence of theft by fraud arises from a relationship of Lambert and a different woman, during which Lambert obtained money from each woman on the basis of a promise to marry her. The same offence was committed with six different women and an additional woman serially during the period of August 1971 to May 1974. What is the issue inference, actus reus, mens rea, presumptuous? The issue inference was whether the action was barred by ch.248, whether the trial court had subject-matter jurisdiction, whether proper offences were properly joined, whether restricting cross-examination of complaining witnesses was an abuse of the trial court, whether evidence was suff icient to support the verdict guilty and whether the sentencing of 24 was an abuse of power (Lambert v. State). The mens rea or wrongful intention in the present case was to have a wrongful gain through a promise to marry. The actus reus or the wrongful act itself in the present case was to take the money by creating deception, which amounted to fraud, and never giving it back to the women he took it from. 4. What is the previous law? The previous law on the same issue was that if there was breach of contract through refusal to marry, a cause of action to file a suit for the same arises. But the same was abolished by secs. 248.01, 248.02, Stats. 3. 5. What is the current law? The present law on the same issue is that civil suits for the recovery of the property which is taken on the strength of a fraudulent promise to marry can be initiated under sec. 248.06,4. The relief in the form of suit for damages for emotional harm caused by the breach of promise to marry isn’t availab le. But this doesn’t take away the remedy to file a suit for criminal fraud or civil fraud, when property was taken away from the victim. 6. What is your opinion? The Supreme Court of Wisconsin was correct in its decision. Lambert did commit the crime of theft by fraud, when he promised to marry them and used this promise to have unlawful gain in terms of money from the innocent women. This makes him liable to be punished according to law. Moreover, he committed the same crime consequently